Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who's jon and who's lou?

Whether you're at a crowded house party, awkward dinner with the in-laws, or just sitting in your room overwhelmed by all these stressful thoughts, there's only one room in the house that you can retreat to. It's a chance to excuse yourself and step out of the stressful and awkward environments for just a while, to recollect your thoughts and get away for even just a minute. It's a room where you can think of nothing else except for the business your performing behind the closed door. When going outside or leaving isn't an option, this room is the only way at times to regain your sanity. Yea, as weird as it sounds I'm talking about the bathroom, the tiolet, the lou, the jon, the one and only place where you are actually allowed to shut everyone and everything else out without feeling the least bit rude. I wish there was a place you could do that that didn't smell as bad but I mean, hey, you take what you can get right? Whether you needed a splash of cold water on your face, a small pep talk telling yourself you can do it, whatever doing it may be or you just really had to pee, somehow no matter what burdens you had as you entered the bathroom you always exit feeling relieved.

Lesson Learned:

To be thankful to God for little things in jon and lou :)  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What is marriage??

The traditional definition says: "the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities."The state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock:a happy marriage.
yes it really did say "happy".

I loved that the second part included happy because I didn't expect to see that in the traditional definition. But after looking through the millions of different definitions I found that the definition for marriage that had to do with inanimate objects actually described the value of marriage the best.  That definition is as follows.

"A blending or matching of different elements or components".

Then it proceeded to give an example:
"The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture."

This is it! That is what marriage means! It's taking two people made up of different elements by God and blending them or matching them together the way that he intended them to even each other out and become one beautiful thing in the end. You don't lose the beautiful elements that God made you with, you are just made with the perfect elements that would match up with someone else and blend with another's to make a perfect concoction (or however you spell that). :) I like to think of it as a McDonald's cheeseburger. You can still taste the individual flavors (elements) of the pickles, the cheese, the ketchup, burger and sesame seed bun but when all these individual elements are blended and matched together you get one delicious burger! Now I really want McDonalds. 

Lesson Learned:

Don't ever compare something your writing about with food, because you'll get really hungry...oh yeah and marriage is sacred and the right blend is out there for you, remember that God knows the desires of your heart. :)