Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Unexpected adventures lead to valuable life lessons...

I went out to eat the other day with a good friend and she said something that I felt was so profound. We took an unintentional trip to the city where we ended up at "Red Mango" to fulfill her craving for frozen yogurt. She was tempted to get the larger sized but opted for the smaller one stating, "I'll appreciate it more in a smaller portion." The statement never left my mind and I thought, "you could really apply that statement to almost any aspect in life." When things are given to us or done for us in excess we tend to have less of an appreciation for it. We end up taking it for granted and even at times just expect it to happen. But when things come to us in small portions we tend to try and savor every last bit of it and have a much greater appreciation for it. To make a long story short, I gave up frozen treats for lent and I was very tempted to try it but I stood strong. But just know that I will be back right after Easter and I will get a small cup and appreciate it for everything that it's worth. :)

Lesson Learned: Never take things for granted and always try to go about things in life one small portion at a time.