Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Unexpected adventures lead to valuable life lessons...

I went out to eat the other day with a good friend and she said something that I felt was so profound. We took an unintentional trip to the city where we ended up at "Red Mango" to fulfill her craving for frozen yogurt. She was tempted to get the larger sized but opted for the smaller one stating, "I'll appreciate it more in a smaller portion." The statement never left my mind and I thought, "you could really apply that statement to almost any aspect in life." When things are given to us or done for us in excess we tend to have less of an appreciation for it. We end up taking it for granted and even at times just expect it to happen. But when things come to us in small portions we tend to try and savor every last bit of it and have a much greater appreciation for it. To make a long story short, I gave up frozen treats for lent and I was very tempted to try it but I stood strong. But just know that I will be back right after Easter and I will get a small cup and appreciate it for everything that it's worth. :)

Lesson Learned: Never take things for granted and always try to go about things in life one small portion at a time.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Who's jon and who's lou?

Whether you're at a crowded house party, awkward dinner with the in-laws, or just sitting in your room overwhelmed by all these stressful thoughts, there's only one room in the house that you can retreat to. It's a chance to excuse yourself and step out of the stressful and awkward environments for just a while, to recollect your thoughts and get away for even just a minute. It's a room where you can think of nothing else except for the business your performing behind the closed door. When going outside or leaving isn't an option, this room is the only way at times to regain your sanity. Yea, as weird as it sounds I'm talking about the bathroom, the tiolet, the lou, the jon, the one and only place where you are actually allowed to shut everyone and everything else out without feeling the least bit rude. I wish there was a place you could do that that didn't smell as bad but I mean, hey, you take what you can get right? Whether you needed a splash of cold water on your face, a small pep talk telling yourself you can do it, whatever doing it may be or you just really had to pee, somehow no matter what burdens you had as you entered the bathroom you always exit feeling relieved.

Lesson Learned:

To be thankful to God for little things in jon and lou :)  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

What is marriage??

The traditional definition says: "the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities."The state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock:a happy marriage.
yes it really did say "happy".

I loved that the second part included happy because I didn't expect to see that in the traditional definition. But after looking through the millions of different definitions I found that the definition for marriage that had to do with inanimate objects actually described the value of marriage the best.  That definition is as follows.

"A blending or matching of different elements or components".

Then it proceeded to give an example:
"The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture."

This is it! That is what marriage means! It's taking two people made up of different elements by God and blending them or matching them together the way that he intended them to even each other out and become one beautiful thing in the end. You don't lose the beautiful elements that God made you with, you are just made with the perfect elements that would match up with someone else and blend with another's to make a perfect concoction (or however you spell that). :) I like to think of it as a McDonald's cheeseburger. You can still taste the individual flavors (elements) of the pickles, the cheese, the ketchup, burger and sesame seed bun but when all these individual elements are blended and matched together you get one delicious burger! Now I really want McDonalds. 

Lesson Learned:

Don't ever compare something your writing about with food, because you'll get really hungry...oh yeah and marriage is sacred and the right blend is out there for you, remember that God knows the desires of your heart. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Are you connected?

I realized today how important a connection can be in so many ways. Connections with the ones you love, connections with friends, connections with your surroundings and most importantly our connection with Jesus. It's easy to lose a connection, isn't it? Maintaining the connection is where we and I especially seem to run into problems. You can be around lots of people but are you connecting with them? Are you right there in that moment with them soaking up everything that's going on around you? Or are you trying to figure out what you have to do next or where you have to go? If you are constantly thinking of what comes next you are missing out on a connection. The best conversations I've ever had were times where I didn't have an agenda and I was able to melt into the conversation and the atmosphere and i was really there with the person. My thoughts were there, my heart was there and I truly wanted to be there. I hate going to visit my Nana in the nursing home. I go out of obligation and this is why I don't enjoy myself. I always go there with somewhere else on my mind to go right after so I don't have to stay very long. But what I didn't realize is that I was missing out on the connection with my own family. I decided to try and go there once without an agenda and I talked to my Nana for two straight hours and we had a great conversation and we connected! 
Today I talked to my cousin who had lost touch with a friend she had been looking for, for over 2 years. I stopped to take time out of my agenda to help her find that friend. She didn't have a Facebook account, but I did and so the friend she was looking for, for over two years, I found in 5 minutes. It was so great to hear how excited she was. 
Don't get me wrong it's good to have a schedule, but not when it gets in the way of your connections, especially when it comes down to your connection with Jesus. This is the most important connection of all because Jesus gives us life and if our connection is right with Him we will be able to better live out our purpose and connect with those around us the way Jesus wants us to. 

Lesson Learned:
Connect with Jesus. Connect with Family. Connect with Friends. Connect with those you don't know. Connect.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mumbai, India, Over 100 killed, what were you up to that day?

I was at school, in my English class, when my teacher turned on the news and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. September 11th , is a day I am sure no one will ever forget. But I'm stuck on a tough question. Although we will never forget this day, why is it so easy for us to forget about it, if it happens somewhere else? I was at work when I heard the news about the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. It was across the world and a long flight away ( and trust me it's a longg flight!) and this is why it's so easy to go on with your day without really thinking about what has happened. It hasn't affected me personally and on the inside there is a part of us that thinks, if it hasn't hit us then we're okay and we have nothing to worry about and this is normal because there is a part in all of us that puts ourselves first. It is necessary to go on with your day because in essence there really isnt anything we can do at that moment. There are two many tragedies going on around the would, and with the desire inside to want to just help people , I find myself getting overwhelmed often. Who do I help? How can I help? Why them and not me? The truth is, you can't help everyone and I look to Jesus for the answer. When there was tragedy, Jesus wept and he took the time to realize the tragedy and pray and feel for the people. He also helped one person at a time, and this is all I can do and all we could do. 

Lesson Learned: I know I def. need to pray more, empathize more and ultimately thank God and rejoice for all he has given and blessed me with.

Chocolate or Vanilla?

I’m the kind of girl that loves her soft serve ice cream, and I have been loyal to my vanilla ice cream when it comes down to a decision between vanilla and chocolate, although at times fell victim to the swirl. Except one day…


One day I felt like I needed a change, and I did what I never thought I could muster up the strength to do. After devouring a hot dog with chili and crispy gravy fries , and just when I thought I consumed enough calories for the day in one meal, I was ready to face the ornery old men behind the Hot Grill counter one more time. I went to the dark side and ordered a sugar cone with………….

 Chocolate ice cream.

 It was creamy and rich and more chocolately delicious than you could ever imagine. It was even better than the first day I became acquainted with Vanilla. I wonder what it would be like if I had more chocolate in my life.

 Lesson Learned : Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make a change because you might be missing out on some really good ice cream.


Beware of the run ons!

I know for a fact the writing skills in the family went all to my sister and I'm infamous for run on sentences, grammatical errors and an occasional misspelled word or two.( you have know idea but I totally just spelled grammatical wrong, thank God for spell check!) But all this aside I do love to write as my sister does and share my thoughts and feelings with others. 
The name of my blog was inspired by a message I heard when I went to go visit my sister and brother in law at their church. The message was about Mary and the alabaster and how she took the alabaster of perfume, which was everything she had and poured it over Jesus' feet. She let go of everything she had and gave it to Jesus. This is something that I've forever struggled with but always had the desire in my heart to do. I want to give everything I have to Jesus without fear and just sit at his feet in awe of Him. I want to let go of whatever may be left in my alabaster jar and pour it over Jesus' feet. I could've washed them with my hair a week ago but I just got a really awesome new short hair cut so that would kind of be difficult. But anyways, although the desire in my heart is strong, there are still things of this world that I have a hard time letting go. I am scared of letting go of the idea of making money, wanting to buy the next best thing out there, of what people think of me and living out the opposite of what society considers the "normal" way of living.
So I hope you join me on my journey of letting go, sitting at Jesus' feet and making a difference in the world today. It's going to be a lonnnggg journey. :)