Friday, December 5, 2008

Mumbai, India, Over 100 killed, what were you up to that day?

I was at school, in my English class, when my teacher turned on the news and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. September 11th , is a day I am sure no one will ever forget. But I'm stuck on a tough question. Although we will never forget this day, why is it so easy for us to forget about it, if it happens somewhere else? I was at work when I heard the news about the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. It was across the world and a long flight away ( and trust me it's a longg flight!) and this is why it's so easy to go on with your day without really thinking about what has happened. It hasn't affected me personally and on the inside there is a part of us that thinks, if it hasn't hit us then we're okay and we have nothing to worry about and this is normal because there is a part in all of us that puts ourselves first. It is necessary to go on with your day because in essence there really isnt anything we can do at that moment. There are two many tragedies going on around the would, and with the desire inside to want to just help people , I find myself getting overwhelmed often. Who do I help? How can I help? Why them and not me? The truth is, you can't help everyone and I look to Jesus for the answer. When there was tragedy, Jesus wept and he took the time to realize the tragedy and pray and feel for the people. He also helped one person at a time, and this is all I can do and all we could do. 

Lesson Learned: I know I def. need to pray more, empathize more and ultimately thank God and rejoice for all he has given and blessed me with.

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